WoT charter for review

For those who may care, the WoT WG is seeking horizontal review of their 
revised charter.  This would be a good time to raise privacy-specific 
(or security specific) concerns.  There are still some steps before this 
is sent to the AC for their review - AC review is the appropriate stage 
for other-than-privacy concerns.

-- Sam

-------- Forwarded Message --------

The WoT WG is generating its updated Charter:

Most notably:

   * Deliverables include updates to existing documents (Thing
     Description (Update) and Architecture (Update))
   * Extensions to existing documents (Thing Description (Next)) and new
     deliverables (Interoperability Profiles and Discovery)

We're still finalizing the updates but would like to start the 
horizontal review in parallel because it would be better to start 
earlier than wait until it's completely fixed.

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2019 18:38:52 UTC