PING teleconference - 7 February 2019 - notes

Thank you everyone for joining the PING teleconference on February 7, to
discuss "Migrating high-entropy HTTP request headers to the Client Hints
Thank you to our scribes, Jason and Sam.

You can find the draft minutes here:
Some brief notes from the call:
=> 1. Client Hints
PING discussed a proposal from Mike West on using Client Hints as a way to
reduce passive fingerprinting.


- Pete and Nick will raise questions about privacy implications of moving
JS features to CH headers (related to logging), ask for any data available,
motivating use case(s) -- for example, data collection on how UA is being
- Pranjal will investigate if there were specific concerns around
deprecating JS APIs completely; will look through the GitHub issues and
open a new one if necessary

=> 2. AOB
- Jason said there was feedback from the TAG re: security and privacy
questionnaire, may have another call to discuss
- Pete: re: private browsing mode discussion, all questions should be
addressed now; will restart thread on mailing list re: next steps
- Group Note on mitigating fingerprinting guidance: working on getting this
published soon

=> 3. Next PING teleconference
28 February 2019 UTC 17
Review request: Payment Request API (

Tara (co-chair)

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 02:37:55 UTC