Re: Request for help on follow up items from the last call

Assuming CH == Client Hints, I think the repo you want to file issues in  

Otherwise write to the HTTPWG with your feedback - or I can introduce you  
to one of the chairs who can probably help you out further.



On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 01:35:24 +0100, Pete Snyder <> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> Just following up on discussed items from last week.  This will be my  
> first time opening issues against a proposed standard, so would  
> appreciate some mild handholding :)
> TODO #1
> —
> Open issues regarding privacy implications of moving JS features to CH  
> headers (screen size, color depth, etc.) related to logging.
> I’m having difficulty finding the right place to open these issues, as  
> they’re mentioned in the IETF spec[1], but no similar place in GH.  The  
> closest I can find is Chromium people talking to Chromium people in  
> fetch here [2].
> Done anyone have any suggestion / advice on the best place to formally  
> bring these comments.  FWIW Brave is pretty 100% in the c
> TODO #2
> —
> Ask the CH folks for data that shows there are broad use cases for the  
> headers?
> Again, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions on the most fruitful  
> place to add these, as currently it seems to be in a dozen places.  If  
> others have suggestion, I would greatly appreciate it :)
> Refs
> ---
> 1:  
> 2:

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