[PING] [Questionnaire Update] - Week 4 Status

We’re in the home stretch of our group review of the Security & Privacy Questionnaire!  

Here’s the current status by section:
- Introduction and How To Use: Our edits have been accepted by the TAG and merged into master <https://github.com/w3ctag/security-questionnaire/pull/39>.
- Questions to Consider: This morning, I finalized our edits and sent to the TAG for review <https://github.com/w3ctag/security-questionnaire/pull/41> and incorporation into master.
- Mitigation Strategies: Took proposed edits from the small group and make a PR for our internal review <https://github.com/jasonanovak/security-questionnaire/pull/14>.

If folks could please review the Mitigation Strategies edits developed by the small group <https://github.com/jasonanovak/security-questionnaire/pull/14> by this Friday, I would appreciate it and then I’ll send it to the TAG for incorporation in the master document so that by TPAC we have a revised (or mostly revised) document.


Received on Monday, 15 October 2018 14:47:35 UTC