Re: Web privacy model

Hi David -

We are actually in the process of consolidating and updating various privacy documents into one document for reference by standards groups.  We are hoping to complete that by TPAC; the major inputs into it will be:
- The existing questionnaire:; and
- Privacy Considerations for a Web Protocols: 

Those documents should help until we have our document revised. 

The fingerprinting document may also be helpful insofar as it walkthrough some specific risks we often think about:


> On Sep 30, 2018, at 8:59 AM, David Chadwick <> wrote:
> Colleagues
> at our meeting on 9th Aug
> we agreed to write a response to the VC WG about how its data model
> conflicts with the web privacy model. I am now starting to write a draft
> of this for the group to consider.
> However, do we have a document or web page that clearly states what the
> web privacy model is, as I would like to refer to this in our written
> response
> Kind regards
> David

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2018 18:34:18 UTC