Re: Vibration API privacy considerations

Hi David:

The specification states that it checks if the page is visible (and points

So that would depend on if a service worker can access a hidden page, I'm
not clear on that

Greg Norcie (
Staff Technologist
Center for Democracy & Technology
District of Columbia office
(p) 202-637-9800

*CDT's Annual Dinner (Tech Prom) is April 6, 2016.  Don't miss out!learn
more at <>*

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 12:19 PM, David (Standards) Singer <
> wrote:

> Indeed, I think we need to make a general statement that anything that can
> be initiated or modulated that is perceptible away from the device can be,
> and probably will be, used as a beacon. We may need a note on beaconing.
> We’ve had this with Bluetooth and WiFi (passive beaconing, where the MAC
> address is detected); we’ve had it with audio (‘active’ beaconing, where
> the device is made to emit distinct inaudible sound), and it could be done
> with vibration to some extent, though the reach of perceptibility of
> vibration is not as good as either of those two.
> Beaconing, in turn, needs exploration. Possible uses include linking a set
> of devices to a single user; identifying the location of a device; singling
> out a device from a set of candidates. Maybe we need a note on beaconing
> and the problems and opportunities it raises.
> I am reminded of ‘Bump’, an app that allowed you to transfer information
> from one device to another by simply bumping them together. I assume it
> worked by noting the only two devices in the set of devices actively
> running the app, that detected a sharp ‘bump’ in their accelerometers at
> the same time. Sometime one doesn’t need to convey much in the ‘beacon’ if
> timing can be precise.
> In terms of detecting devices, imagine a store that provides free wifi but
> monitors traffic. It notices the people browsing their own website over
> their free wifi and re-writes the HTML so that (a) the prices shown online
> match the in-store ones and (b) causes the devices to ‘beacon’ so that they
> can work out which user this is, precisely (what department they are in,
> are they near a sales associate or cash desk, and so on). (They could maybe
> also do this by WiFi triangulation.)
> Is the vibration API accessible to service workers or in ways that it can
> be called when I am not actively browsing that site?
> > On Feb 19, 2016, at 8:41 , Greg Norcie <> wrote:
> >
> > CDT's comments to the FTC on cross device tracking may help explain why
> any standard that allows a unique pattern to be emitted can be used for
> tracking:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > /********************************************/
> > Greg Norcie (
> > Staff Technologist
> > Center for Democracy & Technology
> > District of Columbia office
> > (p) 202-637-9800
> > PGP:
> >
> > CDT's Annual Dinner (Tech Prom) is
> > April 6, 2016.  Don't miss out!
> > learn more at
> > /*******************************************/
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) <
>> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > 2016-02-16 21:30 GMT+01:00 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <>:
> > Are those two things or just one? That is, is this section claiming:
> > 1) it is possible to fingerprint a device through the Vibration API by
> > requesting information that could be used to uniquely identify a
> > device by characterizing "tiny imperfections during their
> > manufacturing"; and 2) it is possible for an external observer to
> > identify someone close to them in physical reality ("meat space") by
> > causing the user to visit a specific web page that then uses the
> > Vibration API to vibrate the device (and the external observer
> > observes this and connects a particular web session with a particular
> > device)?
> >
> >
> > It is not suggested that Vibration API allows fingerprinting on its own.
> >
> > The only thing I intended to suggest was that in presence of other
> sensors - capable of performing the readouts - Vibration API provides the
> input.
> > So yes, in conjunction with other sensors. This is specified there.
> >
> > That said, ability of creating patterns with vibration is another
> concern.
> >
> >
> > Regards
> > Lukasz
> >
> David Singer
> Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 19 February 2016 17:24:11 UTC