2016-02-16 21:30 GMT+01:00 Joseph Lorenzo Hall <joe@cdt.org>:
> Are those two things or just one? That is, is this section claiming:
> 1) it is possible to fingerprint a device through the Vibration API by
> requesting information that could be used to uniquely identify a
> device by characterizing "tiny imperfections during their
> manufacturing"; and 2) it is possible for an external observer to
> identify someone close to them in physical reality ("meat space") by
> causing the user to visit a specific web page that then uses the
> Vibration API to vibrate the device (and the external observer
> observes this and connects a particular web session with a particular
> device)?
It is not suggested that Vibration API allows fingerprinting on its own.
The only thing I intended to suggest was that in presence of other sensors
- capable of performing the readouts - Vibration API provides the input.
So yes, in conjunction with other sensors. This is specified there.
That said, ability of creating patterns with vibration is another concern.