Re: simple, standardized privacy policy discovery

I agree with you that there is a lot of push from the legal side on 
better transparency.

However, there is hardly any enforcement in that area.

On 08/21/2013 10:30 AM, Pär Lannerö wrote:
> Thanks Hannes, your concerns are valid. However, there are plenty of
> legal incentives [1] and given a practical working solution, I am
> convinced we can awaken latent support for more transparency from
> both consumer groups and regulators. Such support, in turn, will make
> clarity and use of standard clauses a competitive adantage on the
> market.
> Furthermore: one small step at a time - such as the standardization
> of how to locate policies discussed in this thread - can bring us
> closer to an improved situation!
> Pär
> [1] Innis Walker, 2013, Transparency-Enhancing Technology for Online
> Retailers, computers, consumers and consent

PS: I searched for this article and couldn't find anything.

> 0739442043
> 21 aug 2013 kl. 09:49 skrev "Hannes Tschofenig"
> <>:
>> Technically all this sounds great.
>> Practically it seems to fail because companies don't seem to be
>> very interested to make their privacy notices readable.
>> On the other hand if you look at many of the smart phone
>> applications and the permissions they request then in some sense
>> those are 'tiny versions' (although without shiny icons) of the
>> longer privacy notices already.
>> Sorry to be pessimistic here but without a good understanding of
>> the incentives for the different parties to change their behavior I
>> fear that all these efforts will be dead on arrival.
>> On 08/21/2013 08:54 AM, Pär Lannerö wrote:
>>> 20 aug 2013 kl. 21:58 skrev "David Singer" <>:
>>>> Yes.  One choice for each category would have to be 'custom'
>>>> (we write our own), and a policy that has lots of 'custom'
>>>> paragraphs would then be harder to understand.  They'd probably
>>>> want an 'in addition' section, as well (things not covered by
>>>> the standard categories).
>>>> The problem with the approach is the amount of work needed to
>>>> get going.
>>>> 1) Assemble a reasonable corpus of privacy policies. 2) Chunk
>>>> them up into sections, categorized by subject. 3) Find common
>>>> themes, and so on, that the bulk of them are using; re-write
>>>> those in 'common language', and form the set of 'standard
>>>> clauses'. 4) Go back to the original corpus, and do the rewrite
>>>> 'what-if': if the standard clauses exist, how could these
>>>> policies be rewritten to use/refer-to them?
>>>> A lot of work.
>>> Yes, but this is almost exactly what the CommonTerms project has
>>> been working on for the past few years. You may remember a brief
>>> discussion we had about this previously.
>>> A huge amount of work remains to be done - not least by the
>>> lawyers needed to formulate and curate standard clauses - but now
>>> at least we have a working prototype infrastructure, including:
>>> - a small corpus/database of privacy policies and TOS documents -
>>> common themes/terms - categorization by subject - a tool that
>>> website owners can use to assemble their own policy based on
>>> common therms found in the corpus. And add custom ones, too. - a
>>> draft uri scheme for common terms - a draft presentation format
>>> for humans - preliminary ideas about how to reference the policy
>>> documents on a website (much resembling the policies.txt
>>> proposal)
>>> See for details.
>>> Very recently we were granted additional funding from the
>>> Internet Infrastructure Foundation to be able to contribute the
>>> results of our work to a wider circle. Primarily we are expecting
>>> to cooperate within the OpenNotice group, but our results are CC
>>> licensed and we're open to collaboration with anybody.
>>> Best regards Pär Lannerö, CommonTerms project leader
>>>>> regards, Frederick
>>>>> Frederick Hirsch Nokia
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Aug 20, 2013, at 12:31 PM, ext David Singer wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Nick
>>>>>> one idea that came up at a workshop was related to, and
>>>>>> would support, Ashkan Solnati's privacys icons.  The idea
>>>>>> was that some organization (e.g. the W3C) publish a set of
>>>>>> sections of text that represent common statements on
>>>>>> various aspects of privacy policy.  For example, there
>>>>>> might be 3 alternative sections dealing with "disclosure to
>>>>>> law-enforcement" -- Strict (we disclose only when legally
>>>>>> mandated to do so), Moderate (we also disclose when we feel
>>>>>> it would be best to do so), Lenient (we respond to all
>>>>>> requests from law enforcement organizations).
>>>>>> The hope was that an organization could put together 90+%
>>>>>> of their policy by reference.
>>>>>> "Our choices are: a) law-enforcement: W3C Strict b)
>>>>>> Third-party: W3C affiliates-only c) … "
>>>>>> Whether this would fly I am not sure.  Given a limited set
>>>>>> of choices in each category, comprehensibility for the
>>>>>> end-user would rise (and icons might become possible, if
>>>>>> combined with a well-known-resource of some type).
>>>>>> On Aug 19, 2013, at 19:08 , Nicholas Doty <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The difficulties in finding privacy policies for Web
>>>>>>> sites are occasionally mentioned. I've heard this raised
>>>>>>> as an issue for: * end users, who may not want to dig
>>>>>>> around for a privacy policy link on a Web page * end
>>>>>>> users on mobile devices, for whom finding and following
>>>>>>> links can be particularly difficult * researchers, who
>>>>>>> might be crawling or analyzing privacy policies to study
>>>>>>> en masse * civil society, who may want to provide
>>>>>>> automated comparison, versioning or analysis of privacy
>>>>>>> policies
>>>>>>> While discovery of a human-readable privacy policy is a
>>>>>>> very limited part of the general problems our industry
>>>>>>> has encountered with long-form privacy policies on the
>>>>>>> Web, standardized discovery protocols would contribute to
>>>>>>> a variety of use cases and could facilitate some larger
>>>>>>> scale solutions (short notices, privacy icons,
>>>>>>> registries, etc.).
>>>>>>> I don't claim to know every proposal in this area, but
>>>>>>> here are a few that address the very specific question of
>>>>>>> discovery of human-readable privacy policies that apply
>>>>>>> to a particular Web page. (Apologies if I'm repeating an
>>>>>>> incomplete collection that has already been gathered
>>>>>>> somewhere else.)
>>>>>>> 1. P3P discuri attribute
>>>>>>> A mandatory discuri on
>>>>>>> every <policy> element in an XML P3P policy gave a full
>>>>>>> URI for a human-readable version of the privacy policy.
>>>>>>> This is implemented now, for example, by Yahoo! and
>>>>>>> Microsoft. P3P policies are discoverable in a defined way
>>>>>>> (well-known URI, Link header, link tag) and then the
>>>>>>> <policy> element can be parsed to find the human-readable
>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>> 2. DNT Tracking Status Resource
An optional element of a site-wide tracking status resource (itself 
discovered through a well-known URI or response header) is a JSON policy 
field which points to a human-readable policy, though this is suggested 
to be specific to the kind of tracking relevant to a DNT preference. 
That document is currently a draft and I don't know offhand of any 
in-the-wild implementations of this section.
>>>>>>> 3. A "privacy-policy" or "terms-of-service" Link
>>>>>>> relation RFC 6903
>>>>>>> defines privacy-policy and terms-of-service as relations
>>>>>>> of links, to be used either inline in HTML or as a Link
>>>>>>> HTTP header. The RFC was published (Informational) just
>>>>>>> this March. (I also see some earlier suggestions, not
>>>>>>> widely pursued, for rel="privacy", but I don't see any
>>>>>>> problem with the longer form.)
>>>>>>> 4. policies.txt
>>>>>>> Most
>>>>>>> recently, I saw this brought up by Aaron Massey, who
>>>>>>> suggests a policies.txt file in a well-known location,
>>>>>>> similar to the widely used robots.txt protocol and the
>>>>>>> informal humans.txt analog.
>>>>>>> Personally, I think the Link relation (#3) is both
>>>>>>> flexible and very easy to implement. IETF published the
>>>>>>> documentation as an informational draft, and I'm not sure
>>>>>>> the history there or why it wasn't pursued on the
>>>>>>> standards track. Sites that have different privacy
>>>>>>> policies for different URLs can implement it through
>>>>>>> different link tags in the heads of documents. Very small
>>>>>>> sites can just add rel="privacy-policy" to a plain old
>>>>>>> anchor tag. And hey, it works for terms-of-service too.
>>>>>>> Questions for you all: * Would you find
>>>>>>> standardization/use of this valuable? * Is there any
>>>>>>> standardization necessary beyond the informational Link
>>>>>>> relation definition? If so, what features would you want
>>>>>>> to see? * Would you be willing to implement it, or what
>>>>>>> would be needed to encourage implementation?
>>>>>>> Thanks, Nick
>>>>>>> CC Aaron Massey, who brought this up on Twitter/his blog,
>>>>>>> Jason Snell who authored the Link relation proposal. I'm
>>>>>>> also sharing this with the Open Notice group who have
>>>>>>> been talking about related standardization efforts.
>>>>>> David Singer Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.
>>>> David Singer Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 10:10:26 UTC