On 10/18/12 3:29 PM, Ben Laurie wrote:
>> from any person that was not able to access the resources. But you would
>> >be linkable by your friends. I think you want both. Linkability by those
>> >authorized, unlinkability for those unauthorized. Hence linkability is not
>> >just a negative.
> I really feel like I am beating a dead horse at this point, but
> perhaps you'll eventually admit it. Your public key links you. Access
> control on the rest of the information is irrelevant. Indeed, access
> control on the public key is irrelevant, since you must reveal it when
> you use the client cert. Incidentally, to observers as well as the
> server you connect to.
A public key links to a private key.
It could also link to a machine -- due to resolvable machine names on
the Internet due to DNS .
It could also link to composite of a machine, user agent, and referrer
document -- due to resolvable document names on the Web of Documents due
to HTTP.
It doesn't provide the high precision link that you speculate about
(repeatedly) re. a Web of Linked Data -- since the referent of a Linked
Data URI is potentially nebulous e.g., entities "You" and "I" .
I know you don't want to concede this reality, but stop making it sound
like those that oppose your view are simply being obstinate. You are the
one being utterly obstinate here. I encourage you to make you point with
clear examples so that others can juxtapose your views and ours.
Back to you.
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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