W3C Workshop: Do Not Track and Beyond - 26-27 November

Hi all.

I don't think an announcement has gone out on this list. 

So let me extract the announcement from the W3C site here.

W3C Workshop: Do Not Track and Beyond

20 September 2012

W3C announced today a Workshop on Do Not Track and Beyond, 26-27 November in Berkeley, California. W3C is currently creating standards that define mechanisms for expressing user preferences around Web tracking. The Working Group has produced drafts of Do Not Track specifications, concurrent with various implementations in browsers and Web sites and heightened press and policymaker attention. At the same time, public awareness of online privacy issues has increased.

Workshop participants will discuss the Consortium's next steps in the area of tracking protection and Web privacy. What have we learned from Do Not Track standardization and real-world implementations? What should we look at next and beyond DNT?

There is no fee to participate in this Workshop and W3C Membership is not required. All participants are required to submit a position paper by 19 October and space is limited. W3C thanks UC Berkeley and TRUST Science and Technology Center for hosting the meeting, and Yahoo! for sponsoring the event. Learn more about the W3C Privacy Activity.

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2012 12:16:42 UTC