PING call - 14 June 2012 9am PT 12pm ET 16 UTC 6pm CET

Hello everyone,

A reminder that our next call will take place on Thursday:

14 June 2012 at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 16 UTC, 6pm CET

A proposed agenda, call details and action items appear below. 

Please volunteer to scribe!

Virginie Galindo (Chair of the W3C Web Cryptography WG), Frederick Hirsch (Co-Chair of the Device APIs WG) and Nick Doty (W3C Team Contact for the W3C Tracking Protection WG) are generously volunteering their time to provide us with an introduction to the work being undertaken by their WGs. 

With Virginie and Nick, we hope to cover how the work might support privacy, and whether there may be privacy implications associated with the specs the WGs are defining.

Frederick will provide us with an update on the DAP privacy approach, requirements etc.

For reference: The DAP developed a W3C Working Group Note in 2010 entitled "Device API Privacy Requirements". You can find the document via


Proposed agenda:

1. Introductions of new members and guests

2. Dependencies

Some brief overviews of work being undertaken in other W3C groups, focusing on how that work may support Web privacy and/or raise privacy implications.

a. Device APIs WG (Frederick Hirsch) - 10 mins (including discussion)
b. Web Cryptography WG (Virginie Galindo) - 10 mins (including discussion)
c. Tracking Protection WG (Nick Doty) - 10 mins (including discussion)

3. Liaisons

Some very brief updates of work being undertaken outside the W3C

a. OECD and APEC ECSG Data Privacy Sub-Group (Christine Runnegar) - 2 mins
b. Others? - 2 mins each

4. Starting to develop a privacy considerations document

Our goal is to have a rough outline (at least) ready for discussion at the next PING call

a. Call for volunteers to develop an outline
b. Call for input for the outline

Please put your hand up now!

5. AOB

Call details:

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7464 ("PING")
SIP/VOIP details available here:

Please also join us on IRC in the #privacy room.
Username: <your name>
Port: 6665 N.B.: not the default IRC port!
Channel: #privacy

Christine and Tara

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 06:42:45 UTC