PING call - 17 May 2012 - agenda, call details and action items

Hello everyone,

A reminder that our next call will take place on:

17 May 2012 at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 16 UTC, 6pm CET

A draft agenda, call details and action items appear below.

Draft agenda:

1. Introductions of new members
2. Developing a plan of action for a privacy considerations document
3. Dependencies, liaisons and information sharing
4. AOB

Call details:

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7464 ("PING")
SIP/VOIP details available here:

Please also join us in IRC in the #privacy room.
Username: <your name>
Port: 6665 N.B.: not the default IRC port!
Channel: #privacy

Pre-call Action items:

1. If you have not done so already, please join PING
Non-Members may join as public Invited Experts:

2. Share your ideas for goals for a privacy considerations document, useful resources to draw from, and help us build an outline for what such a document should look like via this email list or on the wiki at

3. Please let us know which W3C groups and external privacy-related groups you participate in, and how the work being undertaken in those groups might relate to PING's work.

All other ideas are most welcome.

Christine and Tara

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2012 21:32:16 UTC