How Much Should People Worry About the Loss of Online Privacy?

    Privacy in the digital age means a lot of things to
    a lot of people. Some people fret about the privacy
    controls on social networks, some worry about the
    companies that track their online behavior, and
    others are concerned about government surveillance.
    We asked a diverse group of panelists how much our
    readers should worry about the vast array of privacy

ps: I love the illustration.

One of the important points of the article

    DR. BOYD: Positioning privacy and publicness in
    opposition is a false dichotomy. People want privacy,
    and they want to be able to participate in public. This
    is why I think it's important to emphasize that privacy
    is not about controlling information, but about having
    the ability to control a social situation. People want
    to share and they gain a, lot from sharing. But that's
    different than saying that people want to be exposed by

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Monday, 14 November 2011 23:44:41 UTC