policy infrastructure Re: oo.apple.com


a few questions to better understand what you are suggesting. 

Le 21 avr. 2011 à 07:29, Mark Lizar a écrit :
> At this time, all of the policies and notices are ad-hoc, un-standardised which means that are not useful in comparison from service to service.

How would you make explicit the elements of the policy?
What are the differences in your suggestion from P3P?

> In fact without a standard in notice, there is no simple way for people to see what kind of control they have over information when interacting online.

How would you like the policies (legalese) to be changed as controls (actions/preferences)?

> A standard in notice would provide a way for notice to be viewed on aggregate for a clear and dynamic picture of policy.

There are at least 4 parts it seems in what you are mentioning

1. The description of the policy (markup)
2. The notification of changes (protocol)
3. Knowing what has changed See http://www.goodiff.org/
4. The visualization of policies and their changes (design/UX)
   See the work http://www.azarask.in/blog/post/privacy-icons/
5. Access to bits of the policy (api)

If I understood what you are describing, what kind of issues would it solve?

Karl Dubost - http://dev.opera.com/
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2011 11:56:54 UTC