FTC Privacy Report

The "Protecting Consumer Privacy" framework report is out:


They ask a lot of questions (and looking for feedback) on pages 94 to 99, such as:

 - Are there reliable methods for determining whether a particular data set is “linkable” or may become “linkable”?
 - What technical measures exist to “anonymize” data and are any industry norms emerging in this area?

And for "do not track":
 - How can such a mechanism be offered to consumers and publicized?
 - How can such a mechanism be designed to be clear, easy-to-find, usable, and understandable to consumers?

(Perhaps the authors should be invited to: http://www.iab.org/about/workshops/privacy/)

Renato Iannella
Semantic Identity
Mobile: +61 4 1313 2206

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 03:51:08 UTC