Re: do not track list?

Le 17 nov. 2010 à 09:06, Chappelle, Kasey, VF-Group a écrit :
> I think we might be talking about two different kinds of tracking.

Nope. Physical was an easy way to show what I was talking about: context of the aggregation.

> If you're aggregating my movements with enough others to where the result doesn't identify me individually, it's less of an issue (but you're still not in the clear in Germany and a few other places). 

It all depends on the context of the tracking. What I'm saying is that it is not black and white. (It's why I do not like privacy as a term for discussing these things).

But for the sake of the argument: Aggregation of visits on a Web site

Usually, site owners who have a commercial interests want to know, number of visits, from where, rebound ratio, frequency etc. If we are millions of visitors of this Web site, and they are aggregating the raw numbers of hits during the day. Our own individual data is drowned into the mass. Now if you visit a Web site which has only a few visitor a day. Your own data becomes a source of identification.

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 14:22:40 UTC