ppl-ISSUE-1 (RFA): XSLTExtension Issue: Saxon9.5HE doesn`t work

ppl-ISSUE-1 (RFA): XSLTExtension Issue: Saxon9.5HE doesn`t work


Raised by: Rolf Fakesch
On product: 


this issue is linked to the following project:

I´ve made some experiments with the XSLTExtensions because it provides some very useful functions for our purposes. But after some unsuccessful tries, we acknowledged that it actually doesn`t work with Saxon9.5HE. After switching to Saxon9.4HE everything worked fine.

The following exception occured when running "runsaxon9he_fop10.bat" with Saxon9.5:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/saxon/om/Value
Representation at org.w3c.ppl.xslt.ext.fop.saxon.RunFOPSaxon.makeCallExpression(RunFOPSaxon.java:40)

This is caused by the missing ValueRepresentation in the saxon9he.jar.
See also:
"The classes ValueRepresentation and Value have been replaced by the new class Sequence."

Is there a chance, that this gets fixed, so that the extension will run with Saxon9.5 in the future?

Thanks a lot.

With best regards

Rolf Fakesch

Received on Monday, 1 September 2014 19:25:01 UTC