Re: PDF annotations

Hi Jan!

I don't know about others but I think this would be useful.  I have had
this requirement many times!  This is usually a requirement when documents
need to be shared during the authoring/editing process with non-XML user

RenderX does this nicely but it is through their own extensions.


> Dear All,
> in my use case I need to place PDF annotations (stored in the source XML)
> on
> specific places (IDs) within the final PDF files. It can be done, but it
> requires some pre- and post-processing steps utilizing non-XML tools.
> While annotations are supported directly in some XSL-FO processors [1],
> the
> syntax is not standardized. Moreover, the available feature set is rather
> incomplete.
> There are several annotation types (icons) with different options, which
> means it would be a quite complex task to cover everything in the new
> syntax:
> s/PDF32000_2008.pdf (Page 390)
> I've personally never used anything else than simple Text annotation, but
> when Adobe found others worth to implement, there was most likely some
> demand for this.
> Is something like this worth to elaborate by this PPL group?
> Thanks, Jan
> __________
> [1] e.g.

Betty Harvey                         | Phone:  410-787-9200  FAX: 9830
Electronic Commerce Connection, Inc. |                    | Washington,DC XML Users Grp
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Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 00:40:36 UTC