Re: XML Prague 2014 and XML London 2014 both have 'Publishing' topic/theme

On Mon, January 6, 2014 8:28 pm, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-01-06 at 20:23 +0000, Tony Graham wrote:
> [...]
>> It's difficult to find the calls for participation for past conferences,
>> but IME it's been rare to have publishing as an explicit topic/theme for
>> an XML conference in recent years, and possibly unprecedented for it to
>> be
>> a topic/theme for two in the same year.
> I'd say that MarkupForum has had that theme for a while; I don't know
> about XML London or XML Amsterdam, they aren't really on my radar
> (should they be, I wonder?)

Seems it's not just politics that's local, it's also XML conferences.  I
haven't paid much attention to MarkupForum [1], mostly because I don't
speak German, so I wasn't considering it.

XML London only started last year, so it's hard to say how much attention
you should pay it.  I was local to it last year since I was working near
London at the time, so I went, and this year it's a short plane ride away,
much like the rest of Europe is.

I've never been able to go to XML Amsterdam.

>> I also can't find the XML Prague 2014 call for participation anymore,
>> but
>> note that the XML London 2014 call manages to not explicitly mention
>> XSL-FO.
> I think people are more interested in CSS + (X)HTML right now. That

More people, certainly.

> doesn't (to me) say anything bad about XSL-FO, just that CSS + (X)HTML
> is more fashionable and is clearly where the most energy is being spent.





Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 20:59:11 UTC