Re: Source code repository [Was: FO->Area as XSLT extension function]

On 03/22/2013 11:02 AM, Tony Graham wrote:
> On Fri, March 22, 2013 2:47 am, Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> ...
>> I agree. I'm putting some thought anyway into a complete distribution
>> package for FOP 1.0, 1.1 and Saxon 9, plus it would be nice to get the
>> NetBeans projects out there.
> In the short-term, you could clone the ppl Hg repository and put
> everything under a sub-directory.  Once that's done, we could see about
> pulling your code into the official repository.  We can then move or
> rename things later when we get a better idea of what we want to do.
> (It may avoid future confusion if you could change the package name for
> the Java code to something more ppl-ish.  And, of course, adding it to the
> official repository would count as a contribution covered by your
> contributor's agreement (or whatever the official term for it is).)
> Regards,
> Tony.
I'll get the project(s) into a sub-directory, sure.

As to the package name, goes without saying. I just needed something 
when I was whipping up the code. What's a good package, perhaps



Received on Saturday, 23 March 2013 16:37:39 UTC