On yesterday's telecon [1], it was resolved that

"That the range of wdrs:issuedby should be defined such that its range 
can be foaf:Agent or dcterms:Agent but can also be other (unspecified) 

It was further agreed that we would stick with treating POWDER-S 
documents as OWL Ontologies (which are disjoint from OWL Things). A 
POWDER-S document therefore typically begins like this:

<owl:Ontology rdf:about="">
     rdf:resource="" />

Stasinos made the point that anything that describes an OWL ontology 
(and therefore anything that describes a POWDER-S document) must be an 
OWL Annotation property and not anything else. foaf:maker, for example, 
has a domain of owl:Thing and therefore _cannot_ (legally) be used to 
say who created a POWDER-S doc.

Following yesterday's meeting, Andrea spotted more text in the OWL 
documentation that Stasinos confirmed was entirely relevant [2]. The 
bottom line is that it seems the way forward for POWDER is that we do 
not define a range for wdrs:issuedby. WE _do_ however, want to encourage 
people specifically to use FOAF or DC Terms hence my proposal that the 
line in section 2.1 of the DR doc that defines issuedby [3] be changed to:

"Exactly one issuedby element MUST be included and it MUST use the src 
attribute to point to an RDF resource that describes the entity that 
created the POWDER document. It is  RECOMMENDED that this be done using 
an instance of the Agent class from either the FOAF or Dublin Core 

Further, that we do not define a range for wdrs:issued

Stas, Andrea - have I reflected the position accurately?

Everyone - do you agree with the proposal?


[1] (member only link)
(member only link)

Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2008 14:13:24 UTC