rel=describedBy or rel=powder ?


I wonder if you can help us out a little here.

Following on from all the discussions about HTTP Link (as your inbox 
shows, I've been looking at that today) it's clear that we're going to 
need to register a relationship type /somewhere/ - probably IANA and 
possibly in Hixie's HTML 5 group. What I'm nit sure about is what that 
relationship type should be.

In one of your posts to the TAG [1] you propose describedBy as a generic 
"find a description of me other there" rel type. You don't make it clear 
whether describedBy has the implicit assumption that what will be 
returned will be RDF. Is that your assumption?

I ask because I think we /may/ need two or possibly even three different 
rel types:

rel="powder" where the link is to an XML file with root element in the 
POWDER namespace that can be GRDDL'd into RDF/OWL, OR directly to an 
RDF/OWL document that contained POWDER elements (which you need to 
understand outside the RDF/OWL model to be able to process it fully)

rel="describedBy" which would point to a URI from which RDF triples 
would be returned about whatever linked to it - i.e. the output of what 
we'd call a POWDER Processor.

If describedBy is meant to be very generic then it can take care of all 
of these cases and others besides, but I wonder whether that is the 
optimal way forward?? As ever, I'm far from sure so any help you might 
be able to offer would be much appreciated!




Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 14:59:31 UTC