POWDER Processor result, include describedby?

I think Andrea was trying to suggest this the other day but let me put 
it as a proposal:

A PP takes in describe(u) and, assuming it has access to a POWDER doc, 
spits back something like

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.example.com/">

In the spirit of POWDER, I think we should say where this data comes 
from by including a describedby property linking to the relevant POWDER 
doc thus:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.example.com/">
   <wdrs:describedby rdf:resource="http://...example2-1.xml" />

This is valid - the URI http://www.example.com/ is described by a POWDER 
doc at http://...example2-1.xml. Given those triples, you can go to the 
source and check the attribution data if you like.

OK if I add that to the PP section?


Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 13:03:15 UTC