Re: Comment on POWDER WDR, 2008-06-30: POWDER-S interpretation of tagset

On Thu Jul  3 13:50:36 2008 Ivan Herman said:

> Comment on
> Example 2-13.
> I am not sure that the translation of the tagset leads to a meaningful  
> Class. In the class definition of tagset_1 we have an intersection of  
> thee restrictions; all three refers to the _same_ property but with  
> different values. Isn't the intersection then empty?

Not at all, the intersection has all three values for the same
property as wdr:tag is not a functional property.

To make this more concrete, in the attached exIvan.owl try running this

 SELECT ?x ?y WHERE { ?x <> ?y }

Pellet happily answers:

Query Results (4 answers):
x                 | y
ontology:website1 | "tag1"^^xsd:string
ontology:website2 | "tag2"^^xsd:string
ontology:website2 | "my tag3"^^xsd:string
ontology:website2 | "tag1"^^xsd:string

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 15:16:34 UTC