Re: Euracert vocabulary

Thanks very much for your diligence here, Stasinos.

Both errors have been corrected in the attached 1.0 version.


Stasinos Konstantopoulos wrote:
> Oops, just spotted another (minor) problem, sorry I didn't see this
> earlier.
> The vocab_v09.xml goes like:
>   <owl:Class rdf:ID="uwem10_AA">
>     <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Euracert Label WCAG 1.0 Level A</rdfs:label>
>     <rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:resource="#wcagA" />
>     <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="&uwem_wcag10;" />
>     <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
>       <owl:Restriction>
>         <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#cp2.2_compliance" />
>         <owl:hasValue>1</owl:hasValue>
>       </owl:Restriction>
>       ...
>     </owl:intersectionOf>
>   </owl:Class>
> which does not have the intended semantics. This says:
>   "if the intersection of owl:Restriction's holds, this is
>   uwem10_AA. And, incidentaly, this must be a subclass of wcagA, but
>   being a subclass of wcagA is not part of the essense of being uwem10_AA"
> (BTW, shouldn't this be  subclass of uwem10_A? but that's a different issue)
> It should be like:
>   <owl:Class rdf:ID="uwem10_AA">
>     <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Euracert Label WCAG 1.0 Level A</rdfs:label>
>     <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="&uwem_wcag10;" />
>     <owl:intersectionOf rdf:parseType="Collection">
>       <owl:Class rdf:about="#wcagA" />
>       <owl:Restriction>
>         <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#cp2.2_compliance" />
>         <owl:hasValue>1</owl:hasValue>
>       </owl:Restriction>
>       ...
>     </owl:intersectionOf>
>   </owl:Class>
>   "if a wcagA instance happens to satisfy the intersection of
>   owl:Restriction's, then it is also an uwem10_AA instance"
> To demonstrate my point, please see attachements and realize them
> in pellet like so:
> -if ~/test-good.owl -r
>    owl:Thing
>     ontology:Resource - (ontology:website3, ontology:website0)
>      ontology:Class_A - (ontology:website1)
>       ontology:Class_AA - (ontology:website2)
> but:
> -if ~/test.owl -r
> gives:
>    owl:Thing
>     ae79a1b82:-8000
>        ontology:Class_A - (ontology:website1)
>     ae79a1b82:-7ff9 - (ontology:website3, ontology:website2)
>        ontology:Class_AA
>     ontology:Resource - (ontology:website3, ontology:website1, ontology:website0, ontology:website2)

Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2008 08:13:59 UTC