- From: Hammond, Tony <t.hammond@nature.com>
- Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 14:52:23 +0000
- To: <public-powderwg@w3.org>
Hi: Late to comment and not had time to fully investigate in detail. So apologies if I have not appreciated a rationale already given. But I'm having a hard time accepting some of the regex'es which seem to depart from Rabin's work. GROUPS * Sect 2.1 Minor point but in the component diagram the "scheme" brace over extends and includes the colon char (":") which is a delimiter and NOT part of the scheme. * Table 4 I do not follow rationale for the regex's in the table. I agree with Rabin's regex given earlier in Sect. 2.1. Specifically I do not see why "\/\/" are listed as required components in the regex which they're clearly not in Rabin's and clearly not required in a generic URI. E.g. the initial "schemes" regex is given as ^var\:/\/\/ The "\/\/" have nothing to do with URI scheme or delimiting URI scheme. That job is done by the colon char (":") alone. Likewise for remaining components, why is the "\/\/" exposed as a required pattern when it should be part of the optional authority component? * Sect 2.1.2 Again the template regex departs from Rabin's and makes the "\/\/" pattern required. Which it shouldn't be for a generic URI. FORMAL * Sect 4.2, Text * Table 3 Again regex has "\/\/" a required pattern. Surely that's not a requisite for generic URI processing? I see the rationale for including the "\/\/" in Examples 4-1, 4-2 where their presence can be inferred form the "<includehosts>" element, and in Examples 4-3, 4-4 from the "<includeuripattern>" content. Cheers, Tony ******************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is confidential and should not be used by anyone who is not the original intended recipient. If you have received this e-mail in error please inform the sender and delete it from your mailbox or any other storage mechanism. Neither Macmillan Publishers Limited nor any of its agents accept liability for any statements made which are clearly the sender's own and not expressly made on behalf of Macmillan Publishers Limited or one of its agents. Please note that neither Macmillan Publishers Limited nor any of its agents accept any responsibility for viruses that may be contained in this e-mail or its attachments and it is your responsibility to scan the e-mail and attachments (if any). No contracts may be concluded on behalf of Macmillan Publishers Limited or its agents by means of e-mail communication. Macmillan Publishers Limited Registered in England and Wales with registered number 785998 Registered Office Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke RG21 6XS ********************************************************************************
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