- From: Hausenblas, Michael <michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:11:56 +0200
- To: "SWD WG" <public-swd-wg@w3.org>
- Cc: <public-powderwg@w3.org>
All, I've got a (maybe dumb) question regarding the availability of services (and resources), or better say how to describe and handle this. This may as well concern the 'Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies' deliverable [1], but might also touch POWDER-WG [2] issues - I'm unsure about it ... Now, here comes our problem. When developing SW applications, we frequently encounter the following situation: Say, there are two external services A and B. In our SW application I'd like to state that per default service A should be used, but in case A is not available (or has too big latency), service B must be used. What I've gathered so far (but I must admit, I did not read each and every post in all the mailing lists ;) is that: + The 'POWDER: Use Cases and Requirements' document [3] also tackles this issues, IMHO, but I can't find a hook for our problem; + The Web Services Policy Working Group [4] has published a policy model in its 'Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework' [5]; though AFAIK this is not based on RDF, and I don't know if REST-interfaces are addressed equally. So, I guess the question would be: Is there a common (RDF-based) vocabulary (along with some standardised rules) available that would allow us to handle the above described setup on a generic, declarative level? Any thoughts & pointers welcome! Cheers, Michael BTW: Please note that - in my understanding - the same might be applicable for resources (or repositories), and equally one could extend it regarding QoS issues. [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-swbp-vocab-pub-20060314/ [2] http://www.w3.org/2007/powder/ [3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/NOTE-powder-use-cases-20070525/ [4] http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/policy/ [5] http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/PR-ws-policy-20070706/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Michael Hausenblas, MSc. Institute of Information Systems & Information Management JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA <office> phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191) e-mail: michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at web: http://www.joanneum.at/iis/ <private> mobile: +43-660-7621761 web: http://www.sw-app.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------
Received on Thursday, 19 July 2007 12:11:16 UTC