Re: Open Issues: DR scope

On Thu Dec  6 14:18:36 2007 Andrea Perego said:

> Thanks, Stasinos.
> Actually, the DR scope definition I included in my mail [1] just
> corresponds to the last proposal reported in Phil's mail [2]. I haven't
> checked it with Protégé, so I cannot tell you.
> Anyway, the correctness of the less verbose solution proposed by Kevin
> [3] is confirmed also by an example in the OWL Guide (Section 4.1) [3].

[snipped disctinction between equivalence and implication]

> However, based on this, I'm not sure whether the example in my mail [1]
> is correct:

You're right, at a more careful reading, Kevin's fragment was an
equivalence and not an implication. But that is easy to fix: all you need
is DR authors that are more careful than myself!  8-)

So, having gotten that out of the way, my point was that you can say the
same thing in various ways, and that if you are using Protege you are
likely to get longer constructs than absolutely necessary, or different
than what you might expect. But they all boil down to the same meaning.

Compare (this time getting it right):

<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceOnExampleDotOrg">
           <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&wdr;includeHost" />


<owl:Class rdf:ID="ResourceOnExampleDotOrg">
      <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="&wdr;includeHost" />

which mean the same. I don't about this particular piece of pompous
verbosity, but Protege does sometimes name intermediate classes and use
the name afterwards (only once) and things like that.


Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 13:54:01 UTC