Re: Status of W3C POI WG

+Cc: Ivan, Guha

On 1 November 2012 12:51, Raj Singh <> wrote:
> I updated the POI WG wiki with the latest info:
> It seems to me like a chicken and egg problem. A lot of people I talked to didn't want to implement until there was an approved standard, and W3C didn't see demand because of the lack of implementations. So the W3C angle has been to move the work to a community group. There is strong interest in the OGC membership for a strong data model approach to POIs, so OGC is pushing forward with the conceptual modeling and XML encoding (and I hope this will eventually be submitted to ISO).
> The Places Community Group is the place to be for RDF and microdata work. I'm working on a sample microdata markup that I will share soon.

Thanks for the updates (here & wiki).

With a hat on, I'm happy to volunteer us as a 'halfway
house' towards formal standards, where we can get something useful
specified and deployed, but have sufficient informality that designs
are not set in stone.

As I mentioned on the geowankers list back in June, there are some
'rough edges' to fix in's coverage of geo and places.

If there are geo proposals from the W3C community groups and  that would improve, we
can add them fairly easily, and then experience from doing so can feed
into more formal standardisation (whether W3C REC-track, or

How does that sound? BTW at, we are increasingly agnostic
between Microdata and RDFa as deployment syntaxes; at this point the
two notations are very close and almost interchangeable.


Received on Thursday, 1 November 2012 20:01:50 UTC