Re: POI XML validator for testing

I attempted to convert the existing XML example in the core draft to the spec.
Doing so brought up some interesting questions from the validator results:
<point> must have a term property.
Points must have exactly 2 coordinates. This posList has 3.
<point> must have a term property.
Invalid URI of 'mainpoint' in <point>'s id property.
<polygon> must have a term property.
Invalid URI of 'StataCenter' in <poi>'s id property.
<label> must have a term property.
<label> must have a term property.
<label> must have a term property.
<label> must have a term property.
<category> must have a term property.
Invalid URI of '#StataCenter' in <relationship>'s targetPOI attribute.
<relationship> must have a term property.
Invalid URI of 'w3c' in <poi>'s id property.
<label> must have a term property.
<label> must have a term property.
1) must label, point and other POITermTypes have a term property?
The data model PNG suggests this but I don't think it makes sense.
2) should the validator recognize srsName 4979 and allow coordinates with 3 points?
3) can we not use a simple character string as the id property?
What exactly does "using fragments" mean here?
Is an XML base be a requirement before a fragment can be used?
4) can targetPOI refer to a fragment (i.e. #StataCenter)?
What is the relationship to XML base for this reference?

On Jan 6, 2012, at 12:20 PM, Raj Singh wrote:

> Hi group. I wrote a little XML validation tool for POIs. 
> Hope this can encourage more people to experiment with creating POI files!
> -----
> Raj Singh
> +1 (617) 642-9372
> The OGC: Making location count...

Alex Hill Ph.D.

Received on Saturday, 7 January 2012 19:10:27 UTC