Re: yaw, pitch and roll ? and position accuracy?

Hi Mike. Long time no see! 

The group has been focused on a core, least common denominator, POI encoding. I think accuracy would be defined in an optional extension. I think the CRS used implies a level of accuracy, But since we adopted GML geometry, I bet with some research we could get explicit accuracy information right into the Point, LineString and SimplePolygon elements, but the work hasn't been done yet. 

The OGC: Making location count...

On Oct 31, at 7:37 PM, Mike Liebhold wrote:

> Very sorry to jump in so late in the dialog. ( i've been buried elsewhere)
> But, I have a couple of quick questions about the core data model:
> Besides latitude, longitude and altitude attributes of position, What has been decided about yaw, pitch and roll?
> Can someone tell me if i'm correct in  assuming that the nominal CRS would allow for a designation of the accuracy of the position. ( I"m seeing the emergence of use cases requiring millimeter accurate positioning)
> Many thanks,
> Mike Liebhold

Received on Tuesday, 1 November 2011 16:54:28 UTC