Re: POI Core strawman - Locations/Points/Centers

Hi Matt,

great effort on getting started.  Here's a few other questions related
to Locations/Points/Centers that come to mind reading through it.

Definition of Location.
In your strawman you define Location as:

        "Locations can be a single point, a centroid, a minimum bounding
        rectangle, or a set of vectors."

In the wiki it is defined as:

        "A Location is described by a centroid (a longitude and latitude
        in a widely adopted system, such as WGS-84) and an extent,
        either a Minimum Bounding Rectangle or a vector set."

I think in translating it you've merged the concept of centroid and
extent into a single definition of Location...which doesn't seem right
to me.

This leaves me feeling a bit confused about the relationship you've
setup between Geo-Reference and Location in your document too.  And
"point" seems to be missing from the Geo-Reference section...even though
it's used throughout and is in the XML section in a number of ways and
other types of geometry are there e.g. area.

I'm also a bit confused about the distinctions between the locations
first 2 points and the center in the first poi location in your example

        <poi id="StataCenter" xml:lang="en-US" >
                <location id="location1">
                        <point latitude="42.360890561289295" longitude="-71.09139204025269"/>
                        <point id="mainpoint" latitude="27.174799" longitude="78.042111" altitude="10m"/>
                        <center latitude="27.174799" longitude="78.042111" radius="10m"/>
How would you go about representing this POI in an AR app?  No clear
direction on which of these to use.  If the first one is a typo/mistake
then I'm still not clear on the separation between point and center.

I'm also not sure how a center has a radius. Doesn't that make it a
circular area by definition?


On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 13:59 -0400, Matt Womer wrote:
> Hi all,
> In the interest of getting us closer to publishing a First Public Working Draft, I've created a skeleton editor's draft that is based on materials in the wiki [1], the mailing list, the discussions we have had during calls and face-to-face meetings, and some stuff (the XML syntax in particular) that I just made up as I went along.  There are lots of parts that are incomplete, insufficient, and probably extremely dangerous, but I think it should provide us a good framework for discussions going forward.
> Here it is, enjoy:
> I would ask that as we discuss this, please create new email threads for significant issues rather than just responding to this message.  In the interest of not needlessly spamming the list, please send typos, editorial nits, etc to me directly.  Please also cite the date on the top of the document as well.
> Thanks,
> -Matt Womer
> Editor pro tempore
> [1] In particular: and

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 06:13:46 UTC