[minutes] POI WG telecon minutes, 9 March 2011

Hi all,

The minutes from today's call are available here:

And as text below.

Action items were as follows:
	Matt to put ID requirements in Wiki doc 
	Christine to invite Henning after Matt has put ID requirements in the wiki 
	Vinod to invite DERI expert after Matt has put ID requirements in the wiki 
	Vinod to represent one of our common use cases in linked data friendly way 

	Everyone to register for face to face, whether attending or not: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/45386/POI-F2F-2011-1/

Karl has put some effort into the category primitive too, let's review that work next week.

Thanks to all for attending, and thanks to Alex for scribing!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

            Points of Interest Working Group Teleconference

09 Mar 2011


      [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-poiwg/2011Mar/0004

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-poiwg-irc


          Vinod, Luca





     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]ID Primitive
         2. [6]AR Landscape
         3. [7]Administrative stuff
         4. [8]Linked Data
         5. [9]Hotel reservations
     * [10]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 09 March 2011

   <karls> i did draft the category primitive, still generating
   representative examples today, will pub via email tonight

   <karls> welcome

   <matt> [11]Agenda

     [11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-poiwg/2011Mar/0004

   <matt> Scribe: ahill2

   <karls> i have to exit after 1/2 H, sorry

ID Primitive

   matt: lets do id talk first since Karl has to leave soon

   <matt> [12]ID Primitive

     [12] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poiwg/2011Feb/0028

   <matt> ahill2: In the discussion it all sounds very reasonable,
   about an ID primitive. My only concern: does a URI go against the
   grain of efficiency, and against what people are thinking of with

   <cperey> sorry mute myself

   <cperey> +q

   <matt> karls: URIs helps protect us from clashing IDs. The same
   model should be used for both places and locations though.

   matt, I've got it

   <karls> +1 to cperey

   <Ronald> +1

   christine: certainly other groups have have tackled this issue;
   seems a bit premature for the 5 of use to weigh in solidly

   <cperey> definitely do not have the knowledge in this domain

   <cperey> I know that for personal identity there are hundreds of
   people who work on it continuously

   matt: the web is an existing system of decentralized system of
   identifiers and is working pretty well

   +1 to caputre in wiki

   <karls> so we need a lead or small to team to research ID systems to
   adopt or align with

   <Luca> +1

   <vinod> +1

   <cperey> it's not in my scope +1

   <matt> ACTION: Matt to put ID requirements in Wiki doc [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-31 - Put ID requirements in Wiki doc [on
   Matt Womer - due 2011-03-16].

   matt: proposed an action item to add the results of this ID to the

   christine: I suggest (has worked in the past) to invite an expert
   into our meeting on these topics we don't have experience with

   vinod: I have some resources here that I can contact who know quite
   a bit about URI

   matt: I'll put together some resources from the current e-mail

   <matt> ACTION: cperey to invite Henning after Matt has put ID
   requirements in the wiki [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-32 - Invite Henning after Matt has put ID
   requirements in the wiki [on Christine Perey - due 2011-03-16].

   <cperey> we can have the two speakers during the same session so
   that they can hear one another

   <matt> ACTION: vinod to invite DERI expert after Matt has put ID
   requirements in the wiki [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-33 - Invite DERI expert after Matt has put
   ID requirements in the wiki [on Vinod Hegde - due 2011-03-16].

   christine: Vinod and I can then hand this document off to Henning
   and Vinod's contacts
   ... suggests we schedule these two expert opinions on the same day

   <matt> ahill2: We might need some consensus on where these ID are
   going, are they on every primitive?

   alex: can Karl clarify if he think each primitive needs an ID?

   karl: place certainly needs it, location can be overloaded so it
   might be nice to have an ID so it can be shared

   <cperey> Category IDs is Henning's specialty

   karl: category identifiers help make sure text descriptions refer to
   the same category

   <cperey> the IETF has been working on this as part of a WG

   <cperey> probably GeoPriv?

   <Ronald> +1 to have the same id mechanism where ids are needed

   karl: I would move that we make our IDs share common traits among
   the place, location and category IDs

   christine: we should use somebody else's category ID

   <cperey> do objects have IDs? what about the Internet of things?

   christine: what about locations that change?

   <matt> ahill2: Is it possible that a location can have an ID whose
   values are changing?

   <matt> ahill2: Maybe this is in some ways indicating a source of
   location information, not that it is static?

   <cperey> I dom't undertand

   <matt> cperey: What good is it for it to be fixed in space if the ID
   is changing?

   <Ronald> +q

   <matt> ahill2: I was suggesting the opposite, if the ID of a car or
   something is changing then it is maybe reflective of it's location

   <matt> cperey: That's an object

   <matt> ahill2: I agree it's different than a fixed place like a
   building, but I could imagine different authorities managing
   different facilities, e.g. one for a building and another for a GPS

   <matt> cperey: Wouldn't that be the location primitive?

   <matt> cperey: I thought an ID was fixed.

   <matt> cperey: I thought with the ID I could share the object
   between apps.

   <matt> karls: We're confusing that a place and object has an ID with
   the fact that the ?? has a ...

   <matt> vinod: The URI could be the same but dereferrencing the URI
   would give you the changing data.

   <matt> karls: Here's the use case: five shoe stores in the same
   shopping mall, each has it's own place URI, but they share a
   location ID.

   <matt> karls: Then there's the case of a delivery truck that has a
   unique object ID and a location ID that renders where it is right

   <matt> vinod: If a location ID is a URI, then the service can always
   update the data at the URI.

   <matt> Ronald: I tend to agree with ahill2 that for sensors the ID
   of the location primitive makes sense.

   <matt> Ronald: The location primitive itself was not meant to be
   only for fixed locations.

   matt, I'll

   get it

   <matt> ahill2: Christine, do you feel this discussion satisfies what
   she's looking for in a POI?

   <karls> have to sign off, have a good day

   <matt> cperey: I'll have to see it in writing, but my sense is that
   there are sub IDs

   <matt> ahill2: One ID is about the POI, one is about the location
   (e.g. a sensor, a source, an authority)

   <matt> cperey: So they are nested.

   <matt> ahill2: Yes. I was asking Karl about that.. There will still
   be this primary ID that is the POI id.

   matt: OK, moving on to the next topic

   vinod, how do you spell your institution/

AR Landscape

   <vinod> Digital Enterprise Research Institute


   <matt> [16]AR Landscape Browsers

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/wiki/AR_Landscape/Browsers

   <cperey> first I've looked at it

   matt: Jonathan has added some info about the AR browsers that are
   out there

   <cperey> review it now

   can we get an overview of what was added?

   jonathan: can we move this to the last topic?

Administrative stuff

   <matt> [17]Next F2F Registration

     [17] http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/45386/POI-F2F-2011-1/

   <cperey> Matt, I have an item to add to admin topics

   matt: the registration form is up, please fill it out whether
   attending or not - hotel, days attending

   <matt> [18]F2F meeting page

     [18] http://www.w3.org/2010/POI/wiki/Face_to_Face_Meetings/March_2011

   matt: reminder 29th-31st of March, agenda is entirely TBD

   <cperey> for the agenda, is it appropriate to call for papers?

   <cperey> OK

   cperey: is a call for papers appropriate?

   <cperey> +q

   matt: like in December, we will keep this focused on a working

   <matt> [19]DST reminder

     [19] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2011JanMar/0060

   matt: US & Canada moving clocks forward on the 13th and then Europe
   2 weeks later
   ... for the next 2 weeks the meeting is 1 hour different

   cprerey: is it 5 or 7 horus now?

   cperey; right now we are 6 hours apart and for those two weeks we
   are only 5 hours apart - so1 hours earlier for Europe

   <cperey> +q

   cperey: in Barcelona there was the AR Standards Meeting but nobody
   from the W3C meeting was there
   ... we didn't have any contribution from the POI group
   ... the next AR Standards Meeting is likely to be between 12th and
   18th of June
   ... in Taiwan

   cprerey: I am making an invitation to the POI group to present their
   work at this meeting

   +1 to move topic to next week

   matt: sorry for mangling the link, lets move this topic to next week


Linked Data

   <matt> [20]Linked Data discussion starts here

     [20] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poiwg/2011Feb/0026

   vinod: in the PDFs I attached I am trying to highlight the kind of
   complex queries that are possible with linked data
   ... we need to have semantics and structure to handle these complex

   <matt> [21]Vinod's advantages to Linked Data use in POI

     [21] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-poiwg/2011Feb/0027

   vinod: the linked data allows extended data


   <matt> ahill2: We've been trying to address extending the POI data,
   and so I want to make sure we're talking about the same thing.

   <matt> ahill2: Is this the same thing, or does linked data have
   greater extensibility?

   <matt> vinod: Having a standard structure so that queries can be
   made. I'm talking about the content, rather than the delivery.

   <matt> ahill2: When you say structure, I'm thinking you can take on
   any data to an XML representation. Are you saying that isn't
   structured because we don't have a structure or schema and so then
   you can't do complex queries on it?

   <matt> vinod: Correct, that's what I'm saying.

   <matt> vinod: If you consider a person as a POI, he has different
   attributes than an historical POI.

   <matt> vinod: If complex queries have to be supported then there
   must be semantics.

   <matt> ahill2: Not arguing against linked data, but trying to
   understand what it gives. Can't you add data that comes along with
   it's own schema through XML and namespaces? As long as the
   fundamental unit, a POI is simple enough, then can't the namespace
   facilitate that?

   <matt> vinod: You can do some conversions, but linked data makes
   complex queries possible. What tools we use, e.g. relational
   database to RDF.

   <matt> ahill2: I tend to agree that linked data helps you query
   sources for additional information, that's the power of it.

   <matt> vinod: If you don't have a standard structure then there are
   different names for attributes, etc.

   <matt> ahill2: So, through things like an XML schema with a
   namespace, can't you get some of this functionality out of XML?

   <matt> vinod: There's ontologies, representing data in an object.

   <matt> ahill2: This process can occur without linked data though,

   <matt> vinod: If we have a standard ontology adopted, we can support
   complex queries.

   <matt> ahill2: For those of us who aren't familiar with linked data,
   when I looked at the linked data representations, they look kind of
   complex. What is the most simple POI case?


   <matt> vinod: If you consider a person, you represent him in the
   FOAF ontology and then you can consider him in an AR context by
   adding POI attributes.

   <matt> ahill2: Basically linking up data with location as indicated
   in fifth slide.

   <matt> vinod: Anything could be a POI, but we could have AR metadata
   outside of the POI core.

   <matt> vinod: The AR attributes are for rendering in an AR browser.

   <matt> ahill2: It seems to me that it might be useful for the group
   to have an example that is similar to the use cases that we're used

   <matt> ahill2: e.g. the fast food restaurant in this municipality in
   this mall is a restaurant.

   <matt> ahill2: Contrast it to a typical XML representation or an RDB

   <matt> ACTION: vinod to represent one of our common use cases in
   linked data friendly way [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-34 - Represent one of our common use cases
   in linked data friendly way [on Vinod Hegde - due 2011-03-16].

   +1 to closing topic

Hotel reservations

   <matt> ahill2: Did anyone get a response from the hotel email?

   <matt> Ronald: The hotel has received some reservations.

   <cperey> bye

   <Ronald> bye

   <JonathanJ> bye

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: cperey to invite Henning after Matt has put ID
   requirements in the wiki [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Matt to put ID requirements in Wiki doc [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: vinod to invite DERI expert after Matt has put ID
   requirements in the wiki [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: vinod to represent one of our common use cases in
   linked data friendly way [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [27]scribe.perl version 1.135
    ([28]CVS log)
    $Date: 2011/03/09 15:00:04 $

     [27] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [28] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/RDB/relational database/
Found Scribe: ahill2
Inferring ScribeNick: ahill2
Present: Vinod Luca

WARNING: Fewer than 3 people found for Present list!

Regrets: Jens
Agenda: [30]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-poiwg/2011Mar/00
Found Date: 09 Mar 2011
Guessing minutes URL: [31]http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-poiwg-minutes.ht
People with action items: cperey matt vinod

     [30] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-poiwg/2011Mar/0004
     [31] http://www.w3.org/2011/03/09-poiwg-minutes.html

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You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

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     [32] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2011 23:41:48 UTC