Re: "geo:" URIs

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Raj Singh <> wrote:
> But maybe if you are describing an object using 3D coordinate data, you probably have enough data in there that:
> <gml:Point srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4979" srsDimension="3">
> doesn't seem too verbose compared to the tens or hundreds of 3D points you are listing?
> In GML you can specify the CRS once in a parent element, so the 3D POI would look something like:
> <location srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4979" srsDimension="3">
>  <point-n>y.yyyyyyy xx.xxxxxxx zz.z</point-n>
>  <point-n>y.yyyyyyy xx.xxxxxxx zz.z</point-n>
>  <point-n>y.yyyyyyy xx.xxxxxxx zz.z</point-n>
>  <point-n>y.yyyyyyy xx.xxxxxxx zz.z</point-n>
>  <point-n>y.yyyyyyy xx.xxxxxxx zz.z</point-n>
>  ...
> </location>

That I didn't know for sure and couldn't find right away. Thanks for
clarifying that, it's exactly what I was hoping for. In that case,
good enough for me.


Jens de Smit
The Open Technology guy | | @jfdsmit | +31 628 597 403

Received on Tuesday, 28 June 2011 12:53:03 UTC