Re: POI Data Format

Hi martin,
> looks interesting!
> Note that you can directly attach opening hours information with GoodRelations [1] and entrance fee information / tickets with the TIO extension to GoodRelations [2]:

good input!
---> We can use GoodRelations as shown below?

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
         <poap:Poi rdf:ID="GVAbastille">
                  <poap:coordinates lat="45.198662" lon="5.725124" ele="386.58"/>
                  <poap:triggering radius="193.3" />
                  <poap:visibility radius="284.2" />
                  <foaf:maker rdf:resource=""/>
                  <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" />
                  <poap:update timestamp="2010-11-01T18:17:44Z"/>
                  <poap:content doctype="" rdf:resource="./resource/content/jardinDeVille.rdf"/>
                  <poap:content doctype="html" rdf:resource="./resource/content/bastille.html"/>
                  <poap:lifecycle begin="2010-11-01T18:17:44Z" end="2011-12-31T18:17:44Z" />
                  <poap:channel category="culture"/>

with  the following jardinDeVille.rdf  document:

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" .....>
> # Point of interest: foo:GVAbastille
> # Opening hours
> foo:GVAbastille gr:hasOpeningHoursSpecification foo:Workdays, foo:Saturdays .
> foo:Workdays
> 	a gr:OpeningHoursSpecification ;
> 	gr:opens "08:00:00"^^xsd:time ;
> 	gr:closes "18:00:00"^^xsd:time ;
> 	gr:hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek
> 		gr:Monday, gr:Tuesday, gr:Wednesday, gr:Thursday, gr:Friday .
> foo:Saturdays
> 	a gr:OpeningHoursSpecification ;
> 	gr:opens "08:30:00"^^xsd:time ;
> 	gr:closes "14:00:00"^^xsd:time ;
> 	gr:hasOpeningHoursDayOfWeek gr:Saturday .
> # Tickets
> foo:ticket3 a tio:TicketPlaceholder ;
>    rdfs:label "Day ticket for the Bastille"@en ;
>    tio:accessTo foo:GVAbastille .
> foo:HeppTickets gr:offers foo:offer3 .
> foo:offer3 a gr:Offering ;
>        gr:name "Day tickets for the Bastille - just EUR 8"@en ;
>        gr:description "Day tickets for the Bastille"@en ;
>        gr:includes foo:ticket3 ;
>        gr:hasBusinessFunction gr:Sell ;
>        gr:hasPriceSpecification
>             [ a gr:UnitPriceSpecification ;
>                 gr:hasCurrency "EUR"@en ;
>                 gr:hasCurrencyValue "8"^^xsd:float ;
>                 gr:validThrough "2010-12-31T23:59:59"^^xsd:dateTime  ] .

Received on Tuesday, 25 January 2011 16:33:49 UTC