AR Standards meeting June 15-16, 2011: Can you participate?

Hi Paul,

First off, congratulations on the announcement with metaio! I'm really 
glad to see this and hope that it will lead to great new applications.

As you know, I'm really keen to have the topic of standard interfaces 
for eyewear for AR be discussed among the industry leaders.

I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you to join us in 
February/Barcelona but I'm hopeful that we could get the next meeting on 
your schedule and also encourage those in Asia working on eyewear to 
come to the meeting as well. If you could commit to attend then I will 
put this topic on the agenda and begin to market directly to those who 
need to be there. Is this relevant for the Society for Information Display?

The next International AR Standards Meeting will begin on Wednesday June 
15 at 9 AM local time in Taichung, Taiwan on the Feng Chia University, 
Central Taiwan Science Park Campus.

The objectives of this two-day meeting are:

     * to establish or increase mutual awareness among Standards
       Development Organizations (SDOs) relevant to AR through a
       carefully managed "discovery" process that is mindful of the IPR
       policies of the respective SDOs,
     * to establish or increase dialog among leadership of industry
       associations whose members are specifically interested in
       Augmented Reality initiatives and SDOs,
     * to explore how SDOs and industry associations will define "contact
       zones" of mutual interest,
     * to permit participants of the meeting to share their views and
       objectives, as well as progress/status of their activities, and
     * to introduce new and important topics likely to impact the future
       of AR such as Indoor Location, AR Eyewear and Displays,
       Personal Data Protection and Spatial Law and Policy.

This meeting is graciously hosted by the Open Geospatial Consortium ( ) and will take place in the same meeting 
venue as the OGC Technical Committee meeting 

Additional sponsorship is being sought. Please contact me if you would 
like to pledge your support.

Instructions regarding registration and fees are found here:

This is an open community meeting. All those who share an interest in 
the development of open AR leading to interoperable content and 
solutions are invited to contribute.

For additional information about agenda, preparations and logistics, 
please visit:

Thank you for your attention.


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Received on Thursday, 14 April 2011 12:06:20 UTC