Re: thoughts towards a draft AR WG charter

+1 (as a lurker but also interested person and familiar with W3C groups 
and policy, still chairing other WG)

> Matt and I also explored how the element of time (when was the trigger?
> when did the event occur, is it during opening hours of a business?) can
> be part of the data which is used to retrieve the resulting
> output/linked data.

I'm particularly interested in representing this type of event data to 
attach to a trigger. When you say "to retrieve the resulting 
output/linked data", should we understand "linked data" as the 
technology promoted by W3C (aka RDF)? If yes, then my +1 becomes a +1000 :-)


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
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Received on Thursday, 29 July 2010 11:32:16 UTC