Minutes from PEWG meeting 29 January 2025

Dear all,

the minutes from today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2025/01/29-pointerevents-minutes.html and copied below:

29 January 2025

IRC log: https://www.w3.org/2025/01/29-pointerevents-irc


flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke


Chair: Patrick H. Lauke
Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke

* Action items from previous meeting

* Clarify that click, auxclick and contextmenu get their .button and 
.buttons behavior from UIEvents w3c/pointerevents#531

* Implicit pointer capture state after a failed explicit capture call at 
pointerdown w3c/pointerevents#534

* Define pointermove and pointerrawupdate may have delta from previous 
corresponding pointer event as movementX and movementY w3c/pointerevents#535

* Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 #445 

* Olli's webcompat issue 

# Action items from previous meeting

Rob to follow up on w3c/pointerevents#516

Rob: CSS WG has a bot that files minutes to issues, can we have that?

Patrick: I'll ask PLH

context of the action was 

mustaq: didn't we say we'd explore other avenues other than PE? i might 
be misremembering

Patrick: we already decided that we'd defer this to future, not cramming 
into v3, so no major rush


[Group discusses again the intricacies of new handwriting touch-action, 
and where this new value would need to be assumed to be included, and 
other cases where authors will have to explicitly add it, e.g. when they 
explicitly defined a touch-action for pan-x but they now ALSO want 
handwriting, but in other cases it has to be assumed like for 
touch-action: none]

Patrick: can we add something to w3c/pointerevents#516

ACTION: Rob to add a small reminder (to ourselves, mainly) what our 
current thinking/challenges are for w3c/pointerevents#516

Patrick: other action we had was - Group to review w3c/pointerevents#532 
for this meeting

mustaq: on the outstanding comment from Rob - think we want to call out 
primary pointer mainly because no implementation does hover for anything 
other than primary

Rob: seems strange that you get boundary updates for one finger rather 
than ohters

mustaq: wanted to maintain what UI Events spec does ... at least my 
interpretation. this calculation is expensive, so i think that's the 
rationale for calling out primary, since that's also only one that 
hovers. i can open a new issue separately, or we can work still on this PR

Rob: with this PR we match mouseover/mouseout behaviour for the primary 
pointer event

Rob: UI Events talks about mouse, and then introduces primary 
pointer...which is confusing

Rob: maybe we limit this to cases where you only have one active 
pointer, which is the primary pointer of the current type

Rob: primary touch is only primary while there's only one touch?

mustaq: you mouse hovering element A, you tap element B. does the mouse 
jump? on some implementations it does, on others the mouse pointer 

Rob: i think the visible movement of mouse is a legacy from older touch 

Patrick: that's more a visual UI thing left up to UAs, not something 
that concerns us anyway. the "disappeared" mouse pointer moves to where 
your touch was, and when you wiggle the mouse again the UA decides to 
either start from that touch position, or from the previously known 
mouse position (?)

Rob: we might only be able to do this for devices that DON'T have 
implicit capture

Rob: hover effect is only caused by the legacy mouse pointer. because 
touch has implicit capture, maybe we don't need to worry as you can't 
change the target underneath it... (?)

Rob: ... unless you removed capture, which I think you can do / release

Rob: which is going to be an edge case

mustaq: i think implicit capture is the only one that makes the 

<flackr> https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#implicit-pointer-capture

Rob: you raised performance, but if we assume that a captured pointer 
doesn't change its target, we don't need to worry about it...so 
performance hit only for edge case?

Rob: we can remove that whole active pointer requirement, and have no 
perf hit, because most times pointers will be captured

mustaq: so I should remove the primary condition bit

mustaq: do we need to discuss further, or we settled

Rob: to make everything nice and consistent, this seems to make sense

mustaq: there was also a comment from masayuki, but that's a separate 
issue. he approved the PR, so we can leave that for another issue

ACTION: mustaq to remove "primary" from w3c/pointerevents#532 and we 
then merge

# Clarify that click, auxclick and contextmenu get their .button and 
.buttons behavior from UIEvents w3c/pointerevents#531

mustaq: approve that an hour ago, looks good to me

Patrick: I'll massage the wording slightly and then merge

ACTION: Patrick to tweak and merge w3c/pointerevents#531

# Implicit pointer capture state after a failed explicit capture call at 
pointerdown w3c/pointerevents#534

mustaq: implict pointer capture is set by browser, and author can then 
release or set different capture. what happens if this JS by the author 

Rob: what happens now in general when second capture doesn't work/calls 
it twice?

mustaq: then only the first one "takes"

Rob: so seems consistent

mustaq: will check if WPT covers this already, if it does i'll close 
issue, otherwise will comment there and keep open

ACTION: mustaq to review w3c/pointerevents#534 if it's already covered 
by WPT

Define pointermove and pointerrawupdate may have delta from previous 
corresponding pointer event as movementX and movementY w3c/pointerevents#535
mustaq: looks reasonable

Rob: yes

Patrick: so question - do we want this in v3 or defer. how easy/hard is 
it to add to our spec? looks like it might involve a lot of extra 
writing and defining new things

mustaq: think we don't even mention movementX/movementY in PE spec. so 
this looks like it'd need a lot of work - ripping it out of mouse event spec

Rob: not even in mouse event spec, it's an extension to pointer lock spec

Rob: seems like pointer lock could/should extend pointer event, rather 
than other way around

Rob: in the linked section 

Rob: so if pointerlock extended PointerEvent rather than MouseEvent, 
this would be handled for free

Rob: pointerevents extend mousevents, but yes it should be 
defined/mentioned in pointerlock, not in pointervents spec

mustaq: so we should open an issue against pointerlock, and close the 
issue at our end?

Rob: sounds reasonable

ACTION: mustaq to close/move w3c/pointerevents#535 to pointerlock spec

# Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 #445 

Patrick: I think nominally we only have one that needs WPT 

mustaq: this sounds tricky ... related to what we just discussed with 

[discussion on what happens in chrome with dom event change signalling 
that target needs to be recalculated. might not happen for the events 
dispatched already in the current tick]

Rob: want to avoid needing to continuously do hit tests

mustaq: the ancestor checking couldn't be shipped in chrome due to 

Rob: interop issue not in Firefox though, so it's something in Chrome's 

mustaq: it was some shadow DOM behaviour

Patrick: so is this realistically something we can look at for v3?

Rob: we could test state we're currently in - does target change for the 
move for pointerevents, mousevents, ... if you modify the DOM in events 
that are synchronously part of the same event stream

Rob: might be a similar question ... maybe with focus, or similar UI 
events, that have a similar problem

Patrick: so something that can be explored for next time?

Rob: pointerrawupdate i thought the point was that we determine the 
target from the last non-raw update

mustaq: because the last raw event may NOT be coalesced

Rob: does it do a hit test, or take target from the last move?

mustaq: so it "seems" to be v3 blocking

Rob: doesn't introduce a new feature, relates to accurately describing 
current spec behaviour

ACTION: for next meeting, review w3c/pointerevents#509

# Olli's webcompat issue 

Rob: this is the thing we just discussed

"Masayuki and others analyzed that and he then wrote a patch which 
mimics Chrome Canary's behavior.

Release Chrome does something a tiny bit different, I think either the 
test for mousemove or for the pointer events fail there.

Tests are in https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D235807

I don't think the specs define too accurately what the behavior should be."

<mustaq> Mozilla change: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D235807

Rob: my intuition is that at the point we generate enter event, we 
already determined the target of the move

Rob: pretty sure for enter event we dispatch it to the removed node

Rob: we could dispatch to the removed node even though you're not 
supposed to do that (?)

Rob: ... this is all part of the same problem - we assume that the DOM 
doesn't change in between these events

Rob: not a terrible assumption..

Patrick: apologies, we're over time and i hadn't realised. thank you as 
ever, catch you in two weeks' time

# Summary of action items

* Rob to add a small reminder (to ourselves, mainly) what our current 
thinking/challenges are for w3c/pointerevents#516

* mustaq to remove "primary" from w3c/pointerevents#532 and we then merge

* Patrick to tweak and merge w3c/pointerevents#531

* mustaq to review w3c/pointerevents#534 if it's already covered by WPT

* mustaq to close/move w3c/pointerevents#535 to pointerlock spec
for next meeting, review w3c/pointerevents#509

Patrick H. Lauke

* https://www.splintered.co.uk/
* https://github.com/patrickhlauke
* https://flickr.com/photos/redux/
* https://mastodon.social/@patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 18:18:50 UTC