Re: [pointerevents] Clarify what event is `userEvent` to consider `click`/`auxclick` event target after `touchend` (or `pointerup`) (#508)

> So, I think that in these cases, it's safe to not align the click event target to pointerdown and pointerup except when...

We all agree there is a compat risk here (FYI, see the [Chrome bug](  Let me clarify why I am hesitant to change the spec-ed behavior now: we in PEWG have discussed click targets for captured pointers for several years (starting with #75 on 2016, then forked the discussion to #356 to focus more).  We even talked about risks w/o known evidence.  The spec text we are discussing here was updated only after [this conclusion]( from @smaug----, and note that the post has received support emojis a developer too.

For sake of making progress here and avoiding the old spec discussion again without supporting data, I will close this issue and stick to the conclusion ( that exposing the change seems to be the only way to know about possible compat problems.

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