Minutes from Pointer Events WG call 1 February 2023

Dear all,

the minutes from today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2023/02/01-pointerevents-minutes.html#t04 and copied 


01 February 2023


flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug

Chair: Patrick H. Lauke
Scribe: Patrick H. Lauke, Patrick_H_Lauke

* Coordinates of a pointercancel event w3c/pointerevents#463

* Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 

* Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after 
capturing pointer events w3c/pointerevents#356

* raw trackpad data issue

# Coordinates of a pointercancel event w3c/pointerevents#463

Olli: didn't have time to write a test

Mustaq: do firefox and chrome behave differently with touchcancel as well?

Olli: need to test, also good to check what Safari does

Rob: what do pointerenter/pointerleave do?

Olli: those are just hacks on top of over/out

Rob: but even then they still refer to the document...

Rob: would be good to make sure it gives coordinates of last known 
position inside the document?

Mustaq: i think Navid was looking at this...

Mustaq: for cancel it's tricky because it may have been cancelled for a 
variety of reasons

Olli: do we want to expose coords for situations when coords WERE known?

Rob: we could always report last known good coords. would be good to see 
what the developer use case would be.

Olli: wasn't there a chrome bug about this? what was the complaint

Mustaq: the bug reported complained that they got 0/0, don't think they 
understood the situation that may lead to a cancel

Rob: [speculates about situations where relying on getting last known 
good x/y on cancel may be useful]

Rob: it won't give devs anything more useful or wrong than listening to 
all the move events and looking at the last one that came in

Olli: might be good to see how touchcancel is handled, for possible 

Olli: for pointercancel just before a dragstart we send the last known 
good coordinates in gecko

Olli: per what the drag'n'drop spec demands

Patrick: conceptually i like the idea of "send the last known good, 
otherwise 0/0" or should it be null/null?

Patrick: we would always have a coordinate, as otherwise pointer would 
not exist in the first place

Rob: we'll still have the challenge of pressure, like we had to do for 
up event, but we have precedent

Patrick: we do have a slightly different situation though as cancel 
could happen while pressure is full, etc. so maybe copy/transplant last 
known good values for all of those

ACTION: propose some additional wording to clarify values of properties 
on cancel

ACTION: Olli to write test for touchcancel, for consistency check

# Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 

<flackr> https://w3c.github.io/touch-events/#dom-touchevent-changedtouches

Rob: touch events DO say what happens with coordinates for touchcancel

Rob: so the proposal here would be consistent

Patrick: might have a look to see if TE spec says anything about 
pressure etc

Patrick: so for the WPT one we do now have the list of things lacking 
... now how do we go about it/split this up

Mustaq: some of those tests would be trivial, others not so much. expect 
to look at them sometime this month, but no progress

Olli: I should try to find some time. Ask Edgar, also

Mustaq: how do we coordinate?

Olli: add a comment to the issue w3c/pointerevents#445

Olli: sorry, comment on the relevant PR

# Heartbeat: Clarify what the target of the click event should be after 
capturing pointer events w3c/pointerevents#356

Olli: I did ask Anne if he could find somebody from Apple to comment on 
it, but still waiting

<mustaq> w3c/pointerevents#462

# raw trackpad data issue

<mustaq> We discussed this here before: w3c/pointerevents#228 (comment)

Patrick: and we also have w3c/pointerevents#206

[short discussion on the topic]

Patrick: fundamentally, this feels too low-level and not quite in line 
with what PE do. has shades of sensor api (access sensor for trackpad 
directly) and even pointer lock (as if i'm, say, doing a signature on a 
trackpad, i don't want my mouse to move around the screen).

Patrick: I'll file a comment on all the above issues pointing to 
https://discourse.wicg.io/ where interested devs can suggest this as a 
new spec and see if it gains traction

ACTION: Patrick to comment on the three related issues/feature requests 
about raw trackpad data


[further brief discussion on the similarities between the ask of raw 
trackpad and pointer lock API]

Patrick H. Lauke

https://www.splintered.co.uk/ | https://github.com/patrickhlauke
https://flickr.com/photos/redux/ | https://www.deviantart.com/redux
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2023 23:21:49 UTC