Re: [pointerevents] Reserved pointerIds for special cases (#343)

Are we happy to leave the "reserve a specific value for mouse" aspect aside though? I'd be happier this way from a purity point of view, since we do want to allow - in theory at least - multiple pointers of the same type (otherwise we would need to likely also say something like mouse is always primary etc). If implementations in OS or browsers want to reserve a particular id, that should be up to them (to then also deal with the fallout if it turns out reality doesn't match the expectation of there only ever being just one mouse, if a new device or OS or whatever comes out that handles multi-mouse scenarios differently).

And as said, I really don't want to encourage authors (by having it explicitly in the spec) to just start making assumptions on pointer type etc based purely on a reserved `pointerId` (again mostly from a purity point of view).

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