Re: [pointerevents] Clarify whether touch contact must fire a `pointerrawupdate` event (#373)

@yacinehmito good question. Let's be on the same page on a few things first:

- In PE spec we do fire pointermoves only when button state changes in [chorded button interactions]( case. Hopefully all browsers are implementing this as this is specified.
- Chromium right now only raf-aligns `pointermove` (i.e. delays and batches them and fires one right before raf callback) and does not raf-align `pointerdown` and `pointerup` events (i.e. it immediately fires down and up events). Maybe other browsers can chime in here for this behavior as well. The raf align definition itself is very loose and sort of up to the user agent and is being referenced very loosely in PE spec as well as I believe it should be defined in html spec or something.

Our original intention of `pointerrawupdate` was to disable this raf aligning behavior which was originally introduced to save main thread redundant work that was not needed in most cases.

In terms of consistenty I have no issue and cannot imagine a problem with sending `pointerrawupdate` for `pointerdown` and `pointerup` as well.

So two options here: 

- Either change the spec to specify `pointerrawupdate` firing only for chorded-button-interactions (If only right now no implementation fires `pointerrawupdate` for `pointerdown` and `pointerup` events).
- Or change implementations to also fire `pointerrawupdate` for `pointerdown` and `pointerup` events as well which seems more consitent across the board.

I wonder what others think. @patrickhlauke @smaug---- @mustaqahmed @liviutinta 

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