Re: [pointerevents] Extend pointer events to support raw trackpad data (#206)

I wish this would be reconsidered. 😊

Just as an example, MacOS has a scroll bounce/overflow effect used in every native app on MacOS.

Blink (and thus, electron) only support this effect on the main body of the HTML page.

This means its currently impossible to replicate this effect with web technologies. There are two possibilities to resolve this:

 1. Expose a more detailed, modern trackpad API for [projects such as elastic-scroll-polyfill]( to better replicate this behavior with Javascript, or
 2. [A CSS property to enable this effect on a scrollable \<div\>](

I'd take either approach, but it really feels like the raw trackpad event data should be made available. In 2020, we have WebUSB, bluetooth apis and so much more, but for some reason we don't have trackpad event data to allow web apps to replicate a really fundamental macOS app design element.

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