Re: [pointerevents] add altitudeAngle/azimuthAngle (#316)

> thinking about this some more (though admittedly i'm slowly out of my technical depth here), essentially the two models differ at a fundamental level, tied to the kinds of sensors (or the data provided in the low-level/OS-level APIs). the `tiltX`/`tiltY` model is richer since it captures states that are simply not available/detectable in the `altitudeAngle`/`azimuthAngle` model ... those where a stylus is still pointing one particular way but the user went "over" the perpendicular mark.

So looking at these pictures both of them show different sets of tiltX/tiltY and also altitude/azimuth values. Why do you say they have the same altitude/azimuth? They might have the same altitude as it seems they are in the same "height" (I'm just eyeballing it). But the azimuth is certainly different. For one on the left it is more close to 7*pi/4 and for the one on the right it seems to be 3*pi/4. I don't see the lossy model you are referring to here.

> also yes, @grorg @graouts i'd be interested if there's an official azimuthAngle for when a stylus is perfectly perpendicular (where it could be anything really)? is there a default/fallback of zero?

Regarding the straight pen and the fact that perpendicular state could have any azimuth, we do have a similar situation for tiltX/tiltY. But at another location which is less likely to happen. That is when the pen is lying on the x axels on the surface. That can have any tiltY. Having said that I'm not saying we even get any events from the device in that case as the tip might not be even touching the screen and hence the device might not generate any events. So that is just hypothetical.

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Received on Monday, 30 March 2020 15:05:10 UTC