Re: [pointerevents] add altitudeAngle/azimuthAngle (#316)

no sorry, i mashed two thoughts together there. let me see if i can clarify: on windows etc. where tiltX/tiltY is used, pens also have a particular orientation/twist (e.g. where the button is on the barrel). and that lets you naturally distinguish between a pen that's only raised less than 90 degress from the surface (with the button pointing to the ceiling, if you will) and one that's gone "over" the perpendicular position (with the button pointing to the floor). but in the altitude/azimuth model, the second case doesn't exist. if you go over the perpendicular position, the azimuth simply goes 180 degrees the other way and the more you continue, the lower you're making the altitude again. you don't have a concept of a pen being upside down / gone past the perpendicular position (basically because altitude is only from 0 to 90 degrees, whereas in the tiltx/tilty model you have an additional "attitude" of the pen which makes you make more specific statements between 0 and 180 degrees).

anyway, sounds like this could get very complicated and edge-casey. something i hadn't considered initially. 

also, worth going to the source of what @k3a based their code on, perhaps as that seems to have some further nuances in the code?

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Received on Thursday, 26 March 2020 19:37:31 UTC