Pointer Events 2 update


after the end of the AC review regarding publishing Pointer Events 2, 
issue 269 "Pointer Capture section marked as non-normative" [1] and, 
following Director's advice, we asked the AC if they preferred for the 
document to return to CR rather than publishing a Recommendation with 
the mistake. The preference was to publish a CR, with the shortest 
period, and ask again for the publication of the Recommendation.

As such, expect a new Candidate Recommendation for Pinter Events 2, 
fixing #269 [1], with a 28 days review period (required by the Process), 
then we'll ask again for the Proposed Recommendation.

Let me or Patrick know if you have any questions,


[1] https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/269

Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2018 19:04:35 UTC