Re: [pointerevents] Stylus eraser: should it be a new pointerType instead of a button state?

So if I understand the current situation correctly: in Windows/Edge, 
erasing has been implemented/forced as a modifier key that's tied 
specifically to pressure on the digitizer (in the case of the Surface 
Pen, pressing eraser button while hovering has no effect, and it only 
acts as modifier once the tip touches the screen; in the case of the 
Wacom stylus, having the stylus flipped - which at low level is 
distinguished as being an erased mode switch - has no effect, and the 
hovering eraser is treated exactly the same as a hovering writing tip,
 and only once the eraser has any pressure it's translated into a pen 
action with eraser modifier).

The question for me is: are Microsoft likely to change the model and 
treat the eraser button not as a modifier, but as a means of switching
 into "eraser mode", changing the `pointerType` to something new like 
`eraser`? Or will PE somehow have to cater for both models (eraser as 
modifier vs eraser as its own tool/type)?

@teddink any thoughts?

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Received on Saturday, 27 August 2016 11:49:19 UTC