Re: Blink does not plan to implement pointer events

On 08/21/2014 02:35 AM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> On 21/08/2014 01:29, Arthur Stolyar wrote:
>> * Firefox plan to support both Touch and Pointer events.
> I'm actually wondering now what the current and future status of this 
> is. From what I remember, the plan was to only do this for Metro (or 
> whatever the new canonical name for this is in Win8).

The Win8 "Metro" platform was the first touch-enabled Gecko platform to 
get a complete Pointer Events implementation, but it was never our plan 
to support PE on Metro only.  We've been planning to finish the work to 
get Pointer Events fully implemented on all Gecko platforms.

> If I'm not mistaken, Fx does not even support touch events yet (unless 
> you enable a special about:config flag) on touch-enabled desktops/laptops.

That's correct.  There are some bugs in our Windows desktop touch event 
implementation that we need to fix before enabling it.

Received on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 17:36:33 UTC