Using GH labels to get a list of open PRs for PointerEvents tests

Thanks to Dom and Tobie, [w-p-t] PRs are now automatically labeled with 
WG identifiers (pattern is wg-<WGname> f.ex. "wg-pointerevents"). This 
means there is an easy way to get a list of the open PRs for 
PointerEvents' tests:


The above only lists Microsoft's PE test submission because the earlier 
submissions of PE tests from TestTWF events were not submitted as PRs 
against [w-p-t]. I believe the PoR is for Scott to review those earlier 
submissions after Microsoft resolves the issues and comments from their PR.


[w-p-t] <>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Update to auto-labeling of pull requests on GH
Resent-Date: 	Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:37:22 +0000
Resent-From: 	<>
Date: 	Thu, 13 Feb 2014 11:36:53 +0100
From: 	ext Tobie Langel <>
To: 	<>

Hi folks,

Just a quick update to let you know I've pulled and deployed some 
changes from Dom which now automatically tags pull requests with their 
related working group(s).

I ran the script against pre-existing pull requests but have run into 
issues in doing so, so I'm not sure whether I caught all of them or not. 
If you bump into a pull request which is missing the correct tags, 
please add them manually. Thanks.

In any case, this allows you to watch all open pull requests against a 
particular WG like so:

Of course, if you want to dig deeper, you can still get all PR for a 
particular spec by using it's shortname:

Hope this helps.


Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 14:20:29 UTC