Fwd: Pointer Events spec

Hi, my name is Arthur. I am working on Pointer Events polyfill for my

I found that in specification is not a lot information about hit test
detection for events, esspecially for pointercancel. In my mind, when
finger moves on surface by some interval should be called hit test which
finds new element for 'move', 'out', 'over' etc. events. Also, when finger
moves, accordingly to touch-action may be fired 'cancel' event, but it's
not clear for which element should be fired 'cancel' event.
Open questions are:
Should or not 'move' event be fired before 'cancel'
If so, should there be hit test for that move and subsequent events e.g
'out', 'over'
And if new target is determined by that 'possible hit test' on which target
should be fired touch cancel.

Currently in my library touchcancel send to last target, therefor after
touchmove that target may be not the same as original.

Should I always send 'cancel' event to start-target or to current-target?

Also, I found possible mistake in editors draft, in selection "11.2 Mapping
for devices that do not support hover" in block which describes sequence of
events for an activation of element (click):
After mouseout and before mouseleave there is not pointerleave. Should
pointerleave be fired right before next pointerdown or this is just typo?

Thank you and sorry for my english, I am not native in it.

@nekrtemplar <https://twitter.com/nekrtemplar>

Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2014 20:45:39 UTC